Showing 321–336 of 1180 results
Casuarina glauca COUSIN IT
$7.50 – $10.50Unusual ground cover forming a thick waves of foliage to 30cm x 1.5m wide. Very hardy in full sun to semi shade, drought tolerant from the coast to the hinterland, requires adequate drainage.
Celtis paniculata -Native Hackberry
$10.50Small tree to 6m from rainforest & coastal scrub, Kiama to Cooktown. Greenish insignificant flowers in panicles, bird attracting black drupe. Must have free draining site, sun or part shade.
Cephalaralia cephalobotrys
$12.50Tall woody climber, widespread in rainforests. Small green to purple flower panicles, decorative bunches of black fruit. Prefers a cool semi-shaded moist site. Q’ld & NSW.
Ceratopetalum apetalum – COACHWOOD
$5.50 – $10.50Timber tree to 20m with a round dense canopy, often bushy to ground. Starry white flowers. Frost tender when young. Well-drained site in sun or shade. McPherson Ranges Qld to Batemans Bay
Ceratopetalum gummiferum – NSW Xmas Bush
$12.50Ornamental small bushy tree to 10m with showy white flowers turning red with age. Fairly fast & hardy, needs very well-drained sunny site. Responds to pruning. NSW.
Ceratopetalum gummiferum ALBURYS RED
$15.00 -
Chenopodium parabolicum – Fragrant Saltbush
$12.50 -
Choricarpia leptopetala – BRUSH TURPENTINE
$15.00Small tree 5-12m, very showy globular creamy white flowers. Easily grown in most well drained sunny or lightly semi-shaded situations. Frost hardy & not too slow.
Choricarpia subargentea – GIANT IRONWOOD
$12.50Timber & shade tree to 25m with attractive foliage, silvery white underside to leaves. Cream flowers. Fairly slow, prefers protected site in sun or shade. SE.Q’ld & NE.NSW.
Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Yellow Buttons
$3.50 – $10.50Attractive perennial spreading groundcover with bright yellow everlastings throughout the year. Hardy & adapts to most situations, flowers best in full sun or light shade.
Cinnamomum oliveri – OLIVER’S SASSAFRAS
$5.50 – $10.50Bushy tree to 10m with fragrant wood & leaves. Showy flushes of red new growth. Small creamy green flowers, black ovoid fruit. Slow, sheltered loamy site, sun or shade. Eungella Range CE.Qld to the Illawarra S.NSW.
Cinnamomum virens – Red-barked Sassafras
$12.50Cabinet Timber tree to 25m with bushy spreading crown. Slow growing but copes with most soils, prefers sheltered site when young. Greenish flowers, bird-attracting drupe. McPherson Ranges SE.Qld to the Comboyne area NSW.
Cissus antarctica – Kangaroo Vine
$5.50Tall woody climber or ground cover with shiny green foliage & greenish flowers. Not too vigorous & can be contained by pruning. Protected frost free moist site in sun or shade.
Cissus hypoglauca – WATER VINE
$12.50Tall vigorous woody climber to 25m with bluish green glossy foliage & clusters of small yellow flowers. Globular dark blue berry. Sheltered moist site in sun or shade.
Citronella moorei – Churnwood
$12.50Attractive tree to 12m with grey corky bark, small white flowers, black drupe. Not too slow, well drained protected site. Frost tender & needs extra water until well established. Qld & NSW.
Citrus australasica – Finger Lime
$7.50 – $15.00An open spreading small thorny tree to 6m. Very slow. Small pinkish white scented flowers, edible fruit. Well drained site in sun or shade. Hardy once established. SE.Qld & NE.NSW.