380 Burringbar Road, Upper Burringbar, NSW, 2483 brnursery1@gmail.com 0266 77 1088

Plant Search

Showing 305–320 of 1180 results

  • Placeholder

    Cardwellia sublimis – NORTHERN SILKY OAK


    Extremely showy new growth flushes are rusty coloured. Showy white flower spikes. Very frost tender when young. Prefers a well-drained acid soil, sunny but protected site.

  • Placeholder

    Carex appressa – Tall Sedge


    Slowly spreading tussock, grows to 0.8m. Widespread throughout Australia in swamps & damp areas along streams & rivers. Excellent for boggy areas & dams, tolerating shallow water. Full sun.

  • Placeholder

    Carex fascicularis – Tassel Sedge


    Slowly spreading tussock to 1.2m high with slender arching leaves & showy flower spikes. Ideal for swampy sites, dams & creeks  where roots can be wet or planted as an emergent in ponds.

  • Placeholder

    Carissa ovata – Kunkerberry


    A stiff spiny low spreading shrub to 2m. White fragrant flowers , ovoid black fleshy fruit which is sweet & edible. Slow growing but hardy and prefers a shady spot. Qld, NSW, WA & NT.

  • Placeholder

    Carnarvonia araliifolia – RED OAK


    Attractive Timber tree to 10m with bushy habit & very showy creamy white flowers. Frost tender when young, not too slow, prefers sheltered site in sun or light shade, well drained. NE.Q’ld.

  • Placeholder

    Carpobrotus glaucescens – COASTAL PIGFACE


    Spreading prostrate perennial from coastal areas,  showy light purple flowers. Well drained site,  sun or part shade. Copes with dryness & salt spray. Used for dune stabilisation.

  • Placeholder

    Carpobrotus sp Hybrid


    Spreading prostrate perennial from coastal areas with showy red flowers. Well drained site, sun or part shade. Copes with dryness & salt spray. Used for dune stabilization.

  • Placeholder

    Caryota rumphiana – FISHTAIL PALM


    Fairly rare solitary palm to 10m confined to Cape York Peninsula. Attractive black trunk & wedge or fan shaped leaves, purple fruit. Slow growing, frost tender, needs moist protected shady site.

  • Placeholder

    Cassia brewsteri – LEICHHARDT BEAN


    Spreading deciduous tree to 12m with showy deep red & yellow flowers, followed by long black pods. Pinnate leaves. Fast growing for sunny well-drained site. Drought hardy. Maryborough to Cairns.

  • Cassia marksiana – BRUSH CASSIA


    Rare tree to 20m found in lowland subtropical rainforest and drier scrubs from the Brunswick River in N.NSW to the Beenleigh district in SEQ. Showy yellow flowers borne in pendulous racemes followed by long brown pods to 30cm containing flattened brown seeds. Frost tender. Sunny, well-drained position.

  • Placeholder

    Cassia tomentella – QLD Cassia


    Tall semi deciduous shrub or small tree 5 to 10m tall, confined to SE.Q’ld in dry rainforests & vine thickets. Showy racemes of yellow flowers. Fairly fast, sun or part shade.

  • Placeholder

    Castanospermum australe – BLACK BEAN


    Large shade & cabinet timber tree to 15m. Orange & red ‘pea’ flowers in clusters which attract parrots. Moist site in sun or light shade. Moderately  frost hardy. Fairly slow. Cape York to the Bellinger River.

  • Placeholder

    Castanospora alphandii – BROWN TAMARIND


    Shade tree to 10m for open situations. Spectacular flushes of pale green new growth. Tiny white flowers. Large inedible seeds. Not too slow, most soils, sun or semi-shade. NE.Qld to NE.NSW.

  • Placeholder

    Casuarina cunninghamiana – River She-Oak


    Excellent Timber, shade & shelter tree to 30m. Fast growing very hardy, often used for soil erosion control. Most soils except swampy, sun or light shade. NT, Qld & NSW.

  • Placeholder

    Casuarina equisitifolia – Horse-Tail She-Oak


    Beautiful tree to 8m from coastal dunes with weeping foliage & red flowers. Fast & hardy to salt winds, excellent for dune stabilisation. Qld, NSW & NT.

  • Placeholder

    Casuarina glauca – Swamp Oak


    Hardy, adaptable shade & shelter tree to 30m that thrives in wet coastal situations & is excellent for erosion control. Upright bushy habit. Useful attractively marked red timber.