Showing 289–304 of 1180 results
Callistemon viminalis LITTLE SILVER
$7.50 -
Callistemon viminalis Rose Opal
$7.50 – $10.50Bushy shrub to 2m x 1.5m wide with pale green new growth & showy clusters deep red brushes to 6cm. Fast & hardy, excellent screen plant.
Callistemon viminalis TANGERINE DREAM
$7.50 – $10.50A naturally occurring form from Mt.Warning area with very showy orange brushes throughout the year.(the only orange bottlebrush) Bushy shrub to 3m, frost hardy, most soils.
Callistemon viminalis WILDERNESS RED
$7.50Weeping shrub to 3m high x 2m wide with bushy habit & showy red brushes all year attracting honey eating birds. Prefers moist soil in full sun. Excellent screen plant.
Callistemon viminalis WILDERNESS WHITE
$7.50 – $10.50Weeping shrub to 3m high x 2m wide with pure white brushes all year attracting honey eating birds. Very hardy, prefers moist soil in full sun. excellent screen plant.
Callistemon viminalis Wildfire
$7.50 – $10.50Bushy weeping shrub to 4.5m x 3m wide. Masses of flame red brushes in spring & summer. Excellent windbreak. Fairly fast & hardy, copes with most soils.
Callitris columellaris – Coastal Cypress Pine
$4.50Spreading bushy Timber tree 20m with fine dark foliage & neat pyramidal shape. Slow at first, drought & frost hardy, copes with coastal conditions. Free draining sunny site.
Callitris glaucophylla – White Cypress Pine
$7.50 – $12.50Slender erect shade tree to 15m, widespread in inland parts of all states. Valued for its hardiness and soft dark timber which is durable & termite resistant. Intolerant of poor drainage.
Callitris macleayana – MOUNTAIN CYPRESS
$7.50 – $12.50Beautiful rainforest Conifer to 15m with compact upright habit & silvery grey green foliage. Prefers sheltered site in light shade. Cold tolerant & not too slow. NE.NSW to NE.Q’ld.
Callitris rhomboidea – Port Jackson Pine
$4.50A cone-bearing tree to 6m with pyramidal shape & drooping spreading branches. Suitable for open sunny sites on sandy or poorer soils & tolerates coastal sites, dryness & neglect.
Canarium australasicum – Mangobark
$15.00A large sometimes buttressed tree to 30m with dense spreading crown. Deep red flowers, blue drupe with an edible kernal. Cabinet timber. Fairly fast in a well-drained site in full sun. Richmond River NE.NSW to Cape York.
Canavalia rosea – COASTAL JACK BEAN
$12.50Climbing or trailing plant with stems to 3m long, found on coastal sand dunes. Mauve flowers followed by large flattened pods. NSW, Q’ld, NT & WA.
Capparis arborea – Brush Caper Berry
$12.50 -
Capparis arborea – Brush Caper Berry
$12.50Slow hardy shrub to 5m with spiny stems, showy yellowish cream fragrant flowers that open at night, rounded yellowish edible fruit with sweet tasty pulp. Prefers part sunny aspect. North Qld to south of Newcastle.
Capparis mitchellii – Wild Orange
$12.50Tall very hardy shade tree to 8m, widespread in drier inland grassland & open forest. White to creamy yellow flowers, edible dull orange berry. Less thorny as it matures. Must have good drainage. All states.
Capparis sarmentosa – Climbing Wild Orange
$12.50Climbing or scrambling shrub from drier rainforest. White or yellow flowers & cylindrical red fruit. Hardy in sun or shade, most soils. NSW & Q’ld.